Pooled Income Fund Calculator
A PIF works like a mutual fund by pooling and investing donations and paying the beneficiary an income for life. And if you donate appreciated assets, you pay no capital gains tax.
Planned Giving
A PIF works like a mutual fund by pooling and investing donations and paying the beneficiary an income for life. And if you donate appreciated assets, you pay no capital gains tax.
Give a gift of cash or stock, recieve income in return.
Younger donors can make a gift and lower taxable income.
More flexibility than a deferred payment gift annuity.
Give cash or other assets, get fixed payments for life.
Offers variable income today, and an opportunity for growth.
Maximum flexibility over gift plan investment, benefits.
Flexibility to manage your gift; security of stable income.
Planning your estate and legacy for future generations, including your charitable interests, takes careful evaluation. Consulting with the appropriate professionals can assist you.